Monday, September 28, 2009

Pace enjoying swing time with his daddy!

Pace is a huge helper in the kitchen. He loves to get out all the tupperware and spread it out all over the floor.
David and I gave Pace his first a couple of weeks ago. I should tell you that I was incredibly nervous. David did the cutting as I was too nervous. The hair cut turned out great so I suppose we will do it again.... maybe...

Here are a few pictures from Pace's birthday party back in August. He LOVED his chocolate cupcake with green cream cheese icing!

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Pace's Room

Just a few pics of Pace's room. The bookshelves really make the room! Thanks Grandpa!

Happy Anniversary Cozy Coupe

Estes Park with Grandpa and Lu Lu

David's parents were so great to come into town for David's promotion. They stayed for five days and they were a huge help! It was so nice to have helping hands to throw David's promotion party. Also, Grandpa made some great bookshelves for Pace's room and for the guest bedroom. We are so thankful for all the work they did while they were here. We did find a little time to have some fun during their visit and drove up to Estes Park for a day trip. We did a short 2 1/2 mile hike and again we had gorgeous weather.

America's Mountain

July 4th weekend we set out with the Rockefellers to conquer Pikes Peak. We packed up our gear and loaded Pace and Gracie into the backpacks and set off on the 13 mile journey that we planned to do over two days. The trail was absolutely beautiful and we had great weather. After about 6 hours (7 miles) we made it to camp where we refilled water and enjoyed a great home cooked meal by the wonderful hosts at Barr Camp. When Saturday morning arrived, however, the Walker clan decided we should go back down the mountain rather than trying for another 6-7 hours of uphill hiking. Overall we had a great time and enjoyed our Independence day on America's Mountain. We think next time we try to conquer Pikes Peak and all of is 14.000 feet that we will leave Pace with a babysitter!

Visit from Poppy and Nana

My parents were able to sneak away for a weekend in June and so they decided to use their frequent flyer miles to pay us a visit! Although it was a short visit fun was had by all. We had hopes of driving up Pike's Peak, however, part of the road was closed due to snow and ice. We settled on Garden of the Gods and the Airforce Acadamy instead. Can't wait for them to come again!

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Rocky Mountain High

This past weekend we traveled to Estes Park for a little mini vacation. We stayed at a cozy little inn with the friendliest staff. Our room over looked a little river and it was so peaceful. Saturday morning after a hearty breakfast we loaded Pace up in the backpack carrier and headed for higher ground. We hiked for almost 3 hours and enjoyed some amazing views. We would have liked to go further, however, there was still a bit of snow on the trail and it started raining on us. We had a fantastic time and are looking forward to more hiking in the Rockies!

Swing Time

Pace is loving his new swing! Most days we go out and swing in the afternoon! We enjoy temps in the mid 70's to 80's most days.


Our fourth morning in Denver this is what we woke up to! What a nice surprise coming from hot Mississippi to snow. This has been our only snow since arriving and now that it is June I am fairly certain we won't see snow again until the fall. However, we are certainly enjoying the weather so far. Good riddance humidity!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

David and I had the opportunity to attend the D.C. area annual JAG Dining Out. Well, I should say I had the opportunity, it was mandatory for David. Nonetheless, we had a great time and it afforded me a chance to get all dressed up and wear a pretty dress.

Had to post these beautiful pictures of Pace! I took these back in the spring outside of his Nana and Poppy's house. He might be the cutest baby in the WHOLE WIDE WORLD. (I, of course, am not biased!)

Thursday, March 19, 2009


While Pace loves playing with all of his cousins, he really loves having cousin Landrum close by.
In order to eat dinner in peace we decided to put a Baby Einstein video on for babies. We strategically placed them a few feet a part so they would not poke each others eyes out while we were eating. A few minutes into our dinner we looked over to find Landrum right next to Pace. I am pretty sure that Pace was trying to pull Landrums hair out.

Drivers Ed

While some in legislation may be trying to raise to driving age, Pace thinks its never too early to get a driving lesson from Daddy! David and I have done a lot of traveling since Pace was born and Pace is such a trooper... he really is a good traveler. However, sometimes you just have to pull over and get the baby out of his seat and let him play.

disclaimer: please note that we are NOT bad parents. we were pulled over at a gas station and letting Pace stretch out for a while.

Best Friends For Life

GOLIATH has found a new best friend. Goliath, Pace and I have been living with my parents while David is completing his training in Alabama. Every night we put the dogs to bed in the laundry room. Well, as of late Goliath has decided that instead of getting in his bed right a way he will sit with Jonah for a little while. I don't think that Goliath realizes how easily Jonah could squash him. Big dog, little dog, was there ever a better pair?

mm mmm good

We started feeding Pace rice cereal in mid December and he took to it quite well. At 5 months we decided to branch out to new things like avocado and sweet potato. As we can see in the photo, Pace is really enjoying his dinner. Those of you without children might wonder "how did he manage to get sweet potato in on his forehead?" And the answer to that query is...he's a boy and its fun to play with food! Although we have been eating solids for a couple of months now, I can say he is still a big mess during meal time.

"Off we go into the wild blue yonder"

As many of you know David was commissioned into the United States Air Force in December. Davids dad, a retired Col in the U.S. Army had the opportunity to commission David and Stephen in a joint ceremony in Norfolk, VA. The rest of the Walkers might enjoy teasing us about going Airforce, however, we know we made the right choice!:)

Bad Blogger you can see I have not blogged in quite some time.... In fact the last blog was in 2008... I have had a ton to blog about, however, I just can't seem to make it to the computer... alas I will try to be better.