The Stinky Sox
When Jayme and Jared decided they would not be able to use their Red Sox tickets David and I decided we would use them. We figured it was a good opportunity for Pace to see his Texas cousins and it was a great opportunity for me to finally go to a MLB game! And who better to see than the Red Sox! I do wish, however, that the Red Sox had shown up for the game. When we left in the 7th inning they were trailing 14-4. Also, I was disappointed because none of the palyers I know/like played. To top off the whole evening Pace decided to have a major blowout while I was holding him. Thankfully my oldest sister immediately whipped into mom mode and got the situation under control. Also, I was thankful that David packed an extra t-shirt in the backpack, otherwise I would have been wearing a poop shirt the rest of the night! Oh and Rylie, my 5 year old neice is the one who so affectionately refers to the Red Sox as the Stinky Sox!